CHARNIE ENVIRONNEMENT supports the associations that demand the restablishment of the day without hunting.


The non-hunting days in the west of Europe.

In France, established in July 2000 by Mrs Voynet, the non-hunting day, wednesday, was abolished by a law in 2003. The project of the law first forsaw to let the Prefects to fix the non-hunting day after concertation with the federations of hunters. Concerned about the advers effects, the Parlement preferred to totally suppress the non-hunting day.

For our neighbors :

Hunting is prohibited on Sunday in the Netherlands and in Great Britain (since 1831 the « Game Act »)

In Spain, the regions regulate hunting :

   In Galice there is only two hunting days per week

   In Castille, Léon and Madrid : 3 days

In Italy, 3 hunting days everywhere.

In Suisse romande, 3 non-hunting days including Sundays in the canton of Neuchâtel, No hunting day in the canton of Genève